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Drew Beaty DDS Blog

A Patient-Focused Promise for Your Dental Care

Savor the Flavor and Spare Your Teeth with These 4 Tooth-Friendly Thanksgiving Hacks

November 22, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeaty @ 8:54 pm
A family enjoying Thanksgiving with good oral health

It’s the season again to gather around the table with friends, family, and food to share stories and smiles. Thanksgiving is a special time when it seems like every indulgence is on the table. From sugar-laden pies to the expensive wines you’ve been saving for later, delights are the order of the day. If you’re trying to preserve your oral health, it can be especially challenging.

If you want to enjoy the festivities of Thanksgiving while keeping your smile bright and healthy, continue reading.


Wearing Invisalign During Halloween: 3 Helpful Tips

October 12, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeaty @ 4:02 pm
Three jack-o-lanterns stacked on top of each other for Halloween

Will you be in the middle of your Invisalign treatment during Halloween? If so, the good news is that your aligners won’t prevent you from indulging in your favorite sweet treats. However, you need to be careful about making the right decisions so that your treatment isn’t disrupted. Below are 3 tips that Invisalign-wearers might find helpful on and after October 31st.


What are the Dangers of Mail-in Clear Aligners?

September 28, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeaty @ 10:39 am
A woman holding mail-in clear aligners

As you likely know, today’s dentists can straighten teeth with clear aligners. The trays rely on micro-movements to bring your pearly whites into position. Still, you may be tempted by a seemingly more convenient option: mail-in clear aligners. These kinds promise effective results without the hassle of regular dental visits. In reality, though, they won’t do you much good – such trays are unsafe. To learn more, here are four major ways that mail-in aligners are dangerous.


Can I Receive Teeth Whitening with Dental Implants?

August 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeaty @ 6:37 pm

Gloved hands holding dental shade guideDental implants are a great investment because they are a close replica of real teeth, providing results that look and feel natural. They are made of stain-resistant material, so your smile can stay bright and beautiful for many years. However, any remaining teeth are still vulnerable to discoloration. Teeth whitening can’t turn back the clock, but it can be bad news if you have dental implants, and here’s why.


How to Pick Toothpaste For Your Veneers

July 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeaty @ 1:31 am
someone brushing their smile

Once you get a set of new veneers, you’re likely to be pleasantly surprised by how natural your new teeth feel. While it’s hard to doubt that veneers look incredible, some people have trouble believing that they’re going to feel like real teeth.

That said, part of their realism comes from how easy they are to take care of, involving just the brushing that you’re probably already used to. However, there is one large difference, that being the toothpaste you use.

Here’s more information about what kind of toothpaste is best for veneers.


4 Social Media Influencers Who Have Veneers

June 15, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeaty @ 3:03 pm
Woman smiling while recording makeup video in studio

Have you ever looked at your favorite content creator’s smile and wondered how it’s so bright, balanced, and beautiful? The answer may be veneers! This sought-after cosmetic dental treatment is widely loved by celebrities and influencers alike because it’s completely customizable, the results are extremely lifelike, they can last for 20+ years with proper care, and the entire treatment process only takes three visits. If you’d like to learn about four social media influencers who have veneers (and why they chose this smile-enhancing service), keep reading.


The Dangers of the “Veneers Check” TikTok Trend

May 3, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeaty @ 7:42 pm
woman watching TikTok about veneers

Regardless of whether or not you are active on TikTok, it is hard to ignore the immense popularity of this social media platform, boasting over 1 billion monthly users globally. Unfortunately, along with its success, TikTok has given rise to several risky dental trends. One such trend, known as the “Veneers Check,” gained significant attention towards the end of 2020, prompting dentists to issue warnings. Continue reading to understand the inherent dangers of this trend and how it led people to make irreversible mistakes that affected their smiles permanently.


What to Do If You Lose Your Veneers

April 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeaty @ 9:38 pm
patients having their veneers applied

Your veneers can afford you a complete transformation of your smile in as little as two appointments, giving you the ability to undo years of damage incredibly quickly! So when you lose one, it’s natural to feel a little panicked—you don’t want to have to go back to how your smile looked before.

Thankfully, your dentist will be happy to help you. Here’s what you should do if you lose a veneer.


What Dental Emergencies Can Cause Facial Pain?

March 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeaty @ 4:23 am
a man experiencing facial pain due to a dental emergency

When it comes to dental emergencies, you may think of having a knocked-out tooth or loose dental crown. However, if you are experiencing facial pain, it may be a sign of an oral health problem that needs to be treated right away. Having discomfort in your forehead, cheeks, or mouth is not only hard to deal with throughout your day but could also be putting you at risk for more serious dental issues. Read on to learn about three dental emergencies that cause facial discomfort.


4 Things to Know About Dating with Invisalign

February 6, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — drbeaty @ 7:05 pm
person with Invisalign on Valentine’s Day date

Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching, and that means it’s time to start planning! Whether you’re going out that night with a long-term partner or are going on a first date with someone new, there’s a lot to look forward to on the day of love. While focusing on making dinner reservations or buying the ingredients needed to cook a meal at home, there are some things about your orthodontic treatment that you need to keep in mind. Keep reading to learn about four things you should know when dating with Invisalign.

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