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Dental Crowns – Federal Way, WA

Restore the Strength and Function of Your Damaged Teeth

Sometimes, it can be overwhelming to hear that you have dental decay or an infection that requires special treatment like root canal therapy. There’s good news in all of that though—you’ll get to keep your natural tooth! When you get a root canal or have a severe cavity, Dr. Beaty can repair the shape, size, and function of your damaged tooth by custom crafting a dental crown for you. This will help restore your natural smile and protect it from any further damage for years to come. When you visit our office, we’ll walk you through the process and have your oral health back in tip-top shape in no time!

Why Choose Drew Beaty, DDS For Dental Crowns? 

  • Accessible Location and Convenient Hours
  • Affordable Payment Options Available
  • Honest and Reliable Dental Care

What is a Dental Crown?

porcelain dental crowns

A dental crown in Federal Way is a custom-shaped cap that is placed over a damaged tooth. They can be made from a variety of materials, but the most popular is typically porcelain because of its natural appearance. It acts to repair the shape, size, and strength of the affected tooth as well as protect it from any additional damage. Once the crown is cemented atop your treated tooth, you’ll be able to use that area of your mouth without having to worry about any pain or discomfort.

What are the Benefits of Getting a Crown?

person walking down city street smiling

There are countless benefits you’ll be able to experience when you decide to restore your smile with a dental crown. If you’re still on the fence about investing in this custom restorative treatment, our friendly and compassionate team will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have. Some advantages you can enjoy from repairing your damaged tooth include:

  • Prevent any further damage.
  • Restore the strength of your tooth.
  • Improve the appearance of a worn-down or damaged tooth.
  • Restore the shape of your affected tooth.
  • Conceal severe discoloration.
  • Enjoy a durable restorative solution.

Why Do I Need a Crown?

person sitting on a bus and smiling

Dental crowns are versatile and can help remodel your smile and improve your oral health for years to come. Many patients choose this restorative option because their tooth was impacted by severe decay or infection and they want to keep it out of harm's way. Other reasons that patients may need a crown include:

  • To cover a large filling.
  • Protect a fractured or damaged tooth from breaking apart.
  • Strengthen a broken tooth.
  • Attach a dental bridge.
  • Restore a tooth after root canal therapy.

The best way to learn whether you need a dental crown or not is to visit Dr. Beaty. Our team can inspect your oral health and help you gather the information you need to make the decision that’s best for you.

What’s the Process of Getting a Crown?

dentist matching the shade of a patient’s tooth

Typically, patients need some kind of treatment for their damaged tooth before they get their dental crown placed. Once this is done, we’ll reshape your tooth and make an impression of it to send off to a dental laboratory to make your custom-crafted restoration. After your crown is made, they’ll send it back to us. This process usually takes anywhere from two to three weeks. If you decide on a natural-looking restoration made from dental porcelain, Dr. Beaty will also use a special device to match the shade of your neighboring teeth.

Once your permanent restoration arrives, we’ll schedule your next appointment. During this visit, we’ll remove your temporary crown and ensure that your new one is made to our specifications and is the right color and fit. If everything meets our high-quality standards, we’ll permanently cement it into place.

If you have any questions about dental crowns or how they can benefit you, don’t hesitate to contact us! We’ll be more than happy to explain the process and discuss the best options for your oral health in person! 

Understanding the Cost of Dental Crowns

Dental crowns are an incredibly effective solution for repairing decayed or damaged teeth. But how much will you need to pay exactly? The exact price of your restorations will depend on various factors, and we won’t be able to provide you with an accurate estimate without an initial consultation first. During your appointment, we can go over your oral health, if you’re eligible for the treatment, and the financing options that can help you stay within your budget. Here’s what you should know about the cost of dental crowns in Federal Way.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Dental Crowns

Several things can influence the overall price of your restoration that you’ll need to consider. These can include:

  • The kind of material needed to create the dental crown (such as amalgam or porcelain)
  • The severity of the damage or decay
  • Any additional/preliminary treatments needed, like root canal therapy or dental implants

When it comes to restoring your tooth with a dental crown, quality is everything. Though cheaper materials or products may seem beneficial to your wallet at first, they can end up needing replacements prematurely, which can cost you more money in the long run. By investing in high-quality treatment, you’ll have a worthwhile restoration that can renew your smile for many years to come!

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dental Crowns?

Due to being considered an essential procedure for oral health, dental crowns can typically receive some coverage from insurance providers. You might expect around 50% of the overall price to be covered by your plan. Of course, you’ll need to verify the specifics of your benefits so that you can make the most of your policy while keeping any restrictions in mind, such as your annual deductible or any waiting periods. Our team is more than happy to help with this process if necessary.

Options for Making Dental Crowns Affordable

If you aren’t currently insured, you can still explore other financing solutions to help make your dental crowns more manageable. Our practice has a dental savings plan that can help you stay within your budget without having to worry about co-pays or deductibles. With a low monthly fee, you can get discounts on various dental treatments, especially dental crowns. We also offer financing through CareCredit, which can split your bill into low-to-zero-interest monthly installments so you can save money while repairing your pearly whites.

Dental Crowns FAQs

three dental crowns in Federal Way against black background

If you have a severely decayed or broken tooth, few treatments offer as many benefits as dental crowns in Federal Way. Not only do they restore your ability to chew your favorite foods, but they resemble a perfectly natural part of your smile. However, you might have a few questions about the details of the process before you’re comfortable undergoing treatment. That’s why we’ve taken the time to answer some of the questions about crowns that we get asked the most often.

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

With the proper maintenance, dental crowns can last 10 or even 20 years before they need to be replaced. Fortunately, caring for your crown is not that different from keeping a natural tooth healthy. Remember to brush and floss on a daily basis, and see Dr. Beaty for a checkup and cleaning at least twice a year. Additionally, wear a mouthguard if you play sports and a nightguard if you are in the habit of grinding your teeth during the night.

How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost?

There actually isn’t a set cost of getting a dental crown because every patient’s oral health needs are different. The price of your crown may vary based on a few factors, such as on which tooth the crown will be placed and which material it will be made from.

Because a dental crown is considered a restorative procedure, your dental insurance may provide coverage for up to 80% of the cost. However, don’t expect any coverage without first checking in with your insurance carrier. If you need help getting in touch with them, our team is more than happy to help.

How Do I Take Care of My Temporary Crown?

If your temporary crown comes off before your permanent one is ready, it can leave your tooth more vulnerable to damage or decay. Not to mention, chewing may become extremely uncomfortable. To prevent this from happening, be sure to not eat anything particularly hard or sticky. These foods could cause your crown to crack or become dislodged entirely. Also, when flossing with a temporary crown, slide the floss out to the side when you’re done. Sliding it out toward the chewing surface could accidentally remove the crown.

Can I Still Get Cavities on a Tooth with a Crown?

Yes. Unfortunately, even though the tooth is protected, there is still a slight chance that bacteria could damage your tooth underneath the crown. For this reason, it’s still necessary to brush and floss the tooth every single day. This prevents buildup of plaque and tartar that contribute to tooth decay, gum disease, and other oral health problems.