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Root Canal Therapy – Federal Way, WA

Save Your Natural Tooth

Are you currently suffering through an intense toothache? If so, then you might be wondering whether you should just get the tooth pulled to put an end to your pain. However, there’s a much better alternative – root canal therapy in Federal Way. This treatment allows us to save your natural tooth from needing to be extracted, which can result in serious oral health problems over time. Although many patients worry that root canals are painful, it actually feels no more uncomfortable than a simple filling. To learn more about root canals, keep reading below, or just give us a call. We can get you out of pain fast!

Why Choose Drew Beaty, DDS for Root Canal Therapy?

  • Save Your Natural Tooth from Extraction
  • Relieve Your Dental Pain
  • Recognition as a Top Seattle Dentist

What Is a Root Canal?

woman in dental chair who needs root canal therapy in Federal Way

After we determine that a root canal is the right treatment for you, the procedure will involve first numbing the area with plenty of local anesthetic. Once we’ve ensured that you can’t feel a thing, Dr. Beaty will create a small hole in your tooth to access the pulp, or the inner chamber where the tooth’s nerve is housed. Then, the infected or damaged pulp is removed. Next, the interior portion of your tooth is thoroughly cleaned. Your pulp is replaced with a synthetic material called gutta-percha. Finally, your tooth is restored with either a tooth-colored filling or a lifelike dental crown.

Why Do I Need a Root Canal?

woman applying cold compress to face

Root canal therapy is often necessary when the pulp has been affected by infection or decay. This can be the result of a fracture or cavity that has spread to the center of the tooth. If you delay getting a needed root canal for long enough, the pulp can actually die. At this point, the entire tooth would have to be extracted. Luckily, root canal therapy can prevent the need for extraction and allow you to retain more of your natural tooth structure. In fact, most teeth that are treated with root canal therapy go on to last the rest of the patient’s life!

Recovering from a Root Canal

woman holding her mouth in pain

For the first few days after your procedure, it’s perfectly normal to experience some sensitivity and soreness in the treated tooth. Because of this, it’s best to avoid chewing on that side of your mouth until your discomfort has subsided. You can curb any potential pain and swelling by applying a cold compress to the outside of your mouth for 10 minutes at a time. Additionally, you could take over-the-counter pain medications like ibuprofen as directed on the bottle.

Understanding the Cost of Root Canals

Emergency dentist in Federal Way holding model of a tooth

The cost of your root canal therapy can vary depending on a few key factors. No matter what your needs may be, Dr. Beaty and his team will work with you to determine the best financing options for your care. Keep in mind that putting off root canal therapy you need could put the health of your tooth at risk of future damage or loss.

Factors That Can Affect Root Canal Cost

Emergency dentist in Federal Way holding model of a tooth

Without performing a detailed exam of your mouth, we cannot know for sure what the cost of your treatment will be. After we have had an opportunity to assess the tooth (or teeth) in question, we can break down what your future root canal therapy will look like. Common factors that affect your cost include:

  • The type of tooth damaged and where it is located
  • How difficult the root canal therapy would be to complete (i.e. whether a specialist will be needed to perform care)
  • Whether other services will be needed (i.e. a new dental crown to replace the existing one if present)

Is it Cheaper to Pull My Tooth?

Dentist explaining cost of root canal therapy in Federal Way

If you’re feeling tempted to skip root canal therapy when you’re told you need one, you may wonder if a tooth removal is actually more affordable. On the surface they can be, but you’ll need to consider the long-term costs and consequences that come with having a tooth removed. By losing your natural tooth your bite can be negatively impacted and your remaining teeth will begin to shift out of place. This can make basic tasks like eating harder and more uncomfortable.

To avoid these problems, you’d need a tooth replacement to fill the gap. This combined with your extraction will likely cost more than if you had received root canal therapy in the first place (plus you’d be able to keep your natural tooth).

Does Dental Insurance Cover Root Canals?

Emergency dentist in Federal Way using a calculator

Root canal therapy generally falls under the category of “major procedure,” which means that dental insurance usually offers anywhere between 50% and 80% coverage after the deductible has been met. Your dental insurance plan’s details will be unique, which means you’ll need to confirm them before completing care to understand your coverage. Our team will be more than happy to help you with this process and ensure you’re getting the best value possible.

Other Options for Making Root Canal Therapy Affordable

Dentist explaining cost of root canal therapy in Federal Way

If you do not have dental insurance, there are other options that can help make your root canal therapy more affordable. For example, our office recommends CareCredit, a third-party financing company that lets you pay for treatments in monthly installments with little to no interest attached. This can make dental treatments fit into even a tight budget.

Alternatively, our in-house dental savings plan can make your dental care more predictable, especially for preventive services like exams and cleanings. By signing up, you can save money on these treatments and put more funds towards your root canal therapy.

No matter how you decide to cover your care, we’ll be ready to assist you with root canal therapy and help navigate the cost, so don’t wait to ask our front desk any questions you may have.

Root Canal Therapy FAQs

Model of root canal in Federal Way

Have you been told that you’re in need of a root canal? It may sound scary, but the truth is that it’s a common procedure that can save damaged teeth. Here are some of the most common questions we are asked about root canal therapy in Federal Way. If you don’t see the information that you’re looking for, just give us a call. Our friendly team would be happy to explain more about the procedure so you can feel comfortable the day of your treatment.

How Much Pain Is Normal After a Root Canal?

The root canal procedure itself will not be painful. It feels similar to getting a large filling. However, some discomfort over the next few days is likely and normal. After the numbness wears off, you will probably experience some sensitivity, but this is temporary. In the majority of cases, over-the-counter pain relievers, like acetaminophen and ibuprofen, are enough to manage this. Soreness should subside after about three days. If it doesn’t, give us a call.

Can I Eat Before a Root Canal?

If you are being sedated for your root canal, you may be asked to fast for a few hours beforehand to reduce the risk of nausea caused by the sedative. If you won’t be undergoing sedation, it’s recommended that you eat a healthy meal at least a couple hours before the procedure. Your mouth will be numb for a little while afterwards, making it more difficult to eat. Avoid drinking alcoholic beverages for about 24 hours before the procedure, as it can interact negatively with the local anesthetic used to numb your mouth.

Do I Need Antibiotics Before or After My Root Canal?

Most patients don’t need to take antibiotics before or after getting a root canal. You will probably only be prescribed them if you have a health issues that increases your risk of developing an infection after a major dental procedure. Dr. Beaty will go over your medical history with you beforehand to determine whether prescribing antibiotics for you is a good idea.

Are Root Canals Covered by Insurance?

Dental insurance primarily covers routine care, like checkups and cleanings, that could have prevented the need for a root canal. However, most dental insurance plans will cover a portion of the cost after you have paid your deductible and before you have reached your annual maximum. Root canal therapy is typically considered a major restorative procedure, so the cost is often covered at up to 50% by insurance.