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Dentures – Federal Way, WA

Natural-Looking Full and Partial Tooth Replacements

If you have missing teeth, you know that the best thing that you can do to improve your quality life is to replace them with the help of a dental professional. But you don’t need just any tooth replacement—you need one that will last for years to come!

Your dentist in Federal Way, Dr. Beaty, only recommends that best of the best when it comes to dental care—that’s why we offer natural-looking and feeling dentures for our patients suffering from tooth loss. After all, we know that if your missing teeth are left alone for too long, your oral and overall health could suffer in multiple ways.

Why Choose Drew Beaty, DDS Family and Cosmetic Dentistry for Dentures?

  • Traditional and Implant-Retained Versions Available
  • Natural-Looking Materials for Better Aesthetics
  • Caring and Experienced Dentist

Why Should You Choose Dentures?

husband hugging wife

For patients who have faced severe tooth loss, you know that you need an effective, permanent solution that can help you improve the look of your smile and overall quality of life. Even if you just have sporadic missing teeth, you should still replace them right away. Whatever the situation, it’s time to meet with Dr. Beaty and explore different types of dentures and how they can help you.

Who’s a Good Candidate for Dentures?

Truth be told, almost anyone is a good candidate for dentures in Federal Way. It doesn’t matter if you’re missing a few consecutive teeth or an entire arch – you can likely get dentures! Of course, the only way to know for sure whether or not this solution is right for you is by scheduling a consultation with our team. Even if you’re not a viable candidate, you can possibly become one by restoring the health of the gum tissue and bone structure.

Effects of Missing Teeth

It’s important to understand what causes missing teeth and what happens if you fail to replace them. According to the American College of Prosthodontists, the most common reasons why people have gaps in their smile is because of tooth decay, gum disease, and physical injury. It’s also worth noting that certain systemic conditions can result in tooth loss.

You should never delay replacing your missing teeth. If you do, you could experience several negative consequences like facial sagging, difficulty speaking, trouble eating, and even lower self-esteem. By choosing to get dentures, you can avoid these issues and enjoy a fully functioning smile once again.  

What Qualifies You for Dentures?

Have you experienced significant tooth loss? Do you have sensitive teeth? Are you dealing with a lot of decay? If you answered “yes” to any of these questions, you may want to consider getting dentures. Of course, you must have sufficient healthy gum tissue and jawbone before moving forward with the treatment process. In addition, you must be committed to your oral hygiene routine and be willing to properly care for your new and improved smile. Since dentures are more affordable than other tooth-replacement methods, they’re a great option for patients on a budget.

Alternative Tooth-Replacement Options

Not a good candidate for dentures? That’s okay! You can explore our other available options, such as:

  • Dental Bridges: If you’re only missing one or more teeth, you may want to consider dental bridges. However, you must have healthy teeth surrounding the gaps in your smile to support the restoration.
  • Dental Implants: Because implants are inserted directly into the jawbone, you must have a solid bone structure if you want to explore this solution. While it’s more costly than traditional dentures, it’s very durable and natural-looking.

Learn More About Dental Bridges

Learn More About Dental Implants

What Type of Dentures Are Right for You?

different dentures

Dentures are restorative prosthetics that are used to replace missing teeth. There are two types that can address different types of tooth loss.

Partial Dentures

Partial dentures are best for patients that have missing teeth in various parts of their smile. The partial works to plug those gaps with your perfect prosthetic teeth.

Full Dentures

Full (complete) dentures are best for patients that face severe tooth loss and have lost a full arch of teeth. With a full denture, you can create a new natural-looking smile!

How Dentures Are Made

man smiling while sitting on couch

Are dentures your ideal solution for replacing your missing teeth? Even if that’s the case, you likely want to know what to expect from your treatment. For instance, you might be curious to learn how your restorations will be made and what materials they’ll be constructed from. Whether you’re getting a partial, full, or immediate denture, the process is similar for each type. Below, you can learn more about how dentures are made in Federal Way.  

What Are Dentures Made Of?

dentist holding dentures in hand

Dentures are typically made up of two components: the base of the denture and the artificial teeth. Here’s a more in-depth look at each one:

  • Denture Base: This is the foundation for your prosthetic teeth, offering much-needed structural support. Most of the time this base is made out of acrylic, resin, nylon, porcelain, or even metal. Most full dentures are made using acrylic due to their ability to be custom shaded to your natural gum tissue.
  • Artificial Teeth: Usually, prosthetic teeth are made out of resin or porcelain because the two materials offer a more natural appearance. Porcelain is the more popular option since it can closely mimic the look and feel of normal teeth. In addition, it’s durable and can last many years with proper care.

The Denture Creation Process

technician making dentures

Getting dentures in Federal Way is a multi-step process that takes several weeks to a few months to complete. The first step of your treatment will involve your dentist taking impressions of your smile, which will be used to create a mold of your mouth to base the size and shape of your final dentures.

We’ll send the mold to a trusted dental lab that will work on developing your dentures. Your prosthetic teeth will be made out of acrylic resin and positioned into a wax replica of your gum line. The technician will then use a special tool to sculpt the wax until it matches your gums perfectly. Once that’s done, they’ll send the wax dentures to our office for a fitting. After we approve the mock-up, they’ll be sent back to the lab for finalization.

A lab technician will get rid of the wax material by boiling the dentures. The restorations will be placed in a flask while plaster will be used to maintain their shape. Holes are created in the artificial teeth so the material can attach to them. Once the denture is trimmed, cut, and sculpted to perfection, the lab will send them back to us.

You’ll return to our office for a final fitting and we’ll make any necessary adjustments to ensure the appearance and function of your dentures are to your standards! After this, you’ll be ready to enjoy your brand-new grin for years to come.

Adjusting to Your New Dentures

closeup of woman smiling with dentures

Initially, it’ll take you time to get used to your new dentures. You may experience mild discomfort and soreness for a few days, causing you to have difficulty eating and speaking with them. Even so, your mouth will eventually adjust to your new teeth to the point where they’ll feel like your natural smile. Consider the following tips to speed up the adjustment process:

  • Stick to a soft-food diet
  • Exercise your facial muscles
  • Use denture adhesives for stability

The Benefits of Dentures

Whether you’re missing just a few teeth or an entire arch (or two) of your pearly whites, you probably know all too well about all of the difficulties that you face when it comes to daily tasks like eating and speaking. Fortunately, dentures are among the best solutions for addressing missing teeth, and the restorations are accompanied by several exceptional benefits! These advantages will have you looking and feeling great about your new smile and its promising future. Keep reading to learn more!

Psychological Benefits

While it’s true that your teeth are the absolute best tools at your disposal for biting and chewing, they also serve another important purpose—they contribute immensely to your overall happiness and sense of confidence! People with missing teeth often have a little trouble accepting their tooth loss, and this can leave a dent in their self-esteem and result in sadness and anxiety, as well as an unwillingness to address the issue! But patients who receive dentures immediately experienced increased confidence and can comfortably resume socializing with a big and bright smile on their face!

Clearer Enunciation

It goes without saying that teeth play an integral role in speech and pronunciation, too. Your lips and tongue rely greatly on your pearly whites and their positions to make certain sounds, so if you have gaps in your grin, your enunciation will suffer. But since dentures replace all of your missing teeth, you’ll be able to speak much more fluently once you adjust to the prosthetics.

Improves Nutrition

If you’re unable to chew your food thoroughly before swallowing it, you’ll have trouble digesting it; this can lead to indigestion and other uncomfortable, undesirable problems. Certain foods, such as hearty options like vegetables, fruits, and lean proteins, are also tougher in texture and sometimes more difficult to chew. However, since dentures greatly improve your ability to chew, you can optimize your diet and avoid nutritional issues!

Preserves Oral Health

One of the biggest problems with missing teeth is that it can cause any remaining nearby teeth to fall out too! When you have gaps in your smile, the remaining adjacent teeth will gradually lean towards the open space and eventually fall out themselves. Jawbone resorption can also occur if you’re without teeth for too long. But by getting dentures, you can enjoy a complete and functional smile without the worry of bone resorption or other issues like wear and tear on remaining natural teeth.

Expands Opportunities

Your smile is arguably the first feature that strangers will notice about you, meaning that it’s instrumental in making good first impressions in the professional world and during social outings! In fact, studies show that the probability of being employed notably increases when you have a healthy and bright smile—plus, people will have an easier time approaching you if your smile attracts their attention. For this reason, dentures can quite literally boost your career and give you an edge during your next interview, meeting, or even date!

Dentures Aftercare

Man with dentures in Federal Way

When you choose to get your dental prosthetic from Dr. Beaty, you’ll gain a valuable, professional resource that is there for you throughout the whole process. Maintenance is key to making sure that your denture lasts for years to come, and your dentist can help you by keeping it strong with these tips and excellent care in our office.

Removable Dentures

Full dentures in Federal Way

When wearing removable dentures, there are steps you must take to ensure that they remain free of harmful bacteria and do not suffer from cracks or chips. Some of the most effective ways to maintain your new smile include:

Remove After Eating

Woman eating with dentures in Federal Way

Dentures can accumulate bad bacteria, plaque, and dried saliva throughout the day. To avoid problems forming inside your mouth, you need to take them out after eating. It’s far too easy for food to become stuck even in a prosthetic, so you’ll want to make sure that you not only clean your dentures thoroughly after eating but that you also brush and care for your existing teeth and gums after every meal.

Clean Your Restoration

Person cleaning dentures in Federal Way

Cleaning your dentures is essential if you want them to last as long as possible. Using denture-specific brushes, non-abrasive toothpaste, and water irrigators can help to remove food particles, harmful debris, and bad oral bacteria. The key is consistency, as you’ll need to make sure that you clean your dentures after eating as well as in the morning and before going to bed.

Keep Your Dentures Safe

Woman wearing dentures in Federal Way

The materials used to create dentures are highly durable, but they can break if too much pressure is applied. This is why it is recommended that you place a towel in the basin of your sink when preparing to clean your teeth. This protects them from cracks or breaks should you accidentally drop them. You’ll also want to keep them out of reach of pets and young children to avoid losing your teeth or finding them broken.

Remove Dentures When You Sleep

Dentures soaking in water in Federal Way

Giving your dentures a chance to soak is critical to their longevity. Brittle and dried-out dentures can break easily, so you need to make sure that they are given time to thoroughly soak. There’s no better time for this than while you are asleep. Apart from the benefits your dentures will receive, your gums and bone will experience a reprieve from supporting your new teeth. This slows bone shrinkage and allows for vital nutrients to return to your gum tissues.

Notice Changes

Man with denture pain in Federal Way

It’s not unusual for your dentures to become ill-fitting over time. As the jawbone shrinks, your teeth will likely no longer fit properly. The moment you notice any pain or soreness, or you have difficulty keeping your teeth in your mouth, make sure to call our office right away. Our team will help to either adjust or replace your dentures so that you can resume life as usual without significant interruption.

All-On-4 Dentures

Woman with All-On-4 dentures in Federal Way

When wearing All-On-4 dentures, it’s important that you adopt a solid routine when it comes to cleaning your mouth. Not only will you need to brush your teeth with a manual or electric toothbrush, but you’ll want to rinse using an antibacterial mouthwash. This helps to keep plaque and tartar at bay, while flossing, whether it is with traditional floss or a water irrigator, will help to reduce the potential for gum disease.

Reclaim Your Life and Your Smile with Dentures from Dr. Beaty

woman in coral shirt smiling

Although many people don’t want to face the fact that they’ve lost teeth, it’s important to replace them right away. Don’t delay as your oral health could be suffering! Call us today to schedule your appointment.

Understanding the Cost of Dentures

Woman learns cost of dentures in Federal Way

The only way to determine the cost of dentures in Federal Way is to schedule an appointment with Dr. Beaty. It is during this visit that he will examine your oral cavity and facial structure using digital imaging before creating a personalized treatment plan that includes the type of denture you’ll receive as well as how much you can expect to pay for your new smile. Dentures offer great benefits and are versatile in treating all types of tooth loss. The best part is you can choose between traditional full dentures or implant dentures depending on your eligibility, budget, and preference. To better understand more about the financial side of dentures, review the information below and feel free to contact us with any questions.

Factors That Affect the Cost of Dentures

Man learning about dentures in Federal Way

When meeting with Dr. Beaty to discuss the possibility of dentures, he will consider three important factors that are commonly used to determine the cost of treatment:

  • The materials used to create the base of your denture. Acrylic is most common, but the time it takes to create it must also be factored in.
  • The materials used to create your artificial teeth, which are typically acrylic or porcelain.
  • If you require preliminary treatments such as periodontal therapy or tooth extraction, as these will add to the total amount on your bill.

While it is true other dental professionals may offer dentures for cheaper, you must be careful when choosing your denture dentist in Federal Way. Why? Because less expensive doesn’t always mean better quality. When working with Dr. Beaty, you can trust that he will always use high-quality materials to create long-lasting prosthetics that offer a better quality of life.

Are Implant Dentures More Expensive?

Implant dentures in Federal Way

Yes, it is true that implant dentures are more expensive up front; however, when you consider their longevity, stability, and optimal functionality, they are actually more cost-effective in the long run. These permanent prosthetics are surgically placed into your jawbone instead of sitting on top of your gums and requiring a dental adhesive to help hold them in place. Creating a solid foundation for your new smile, you will find they are much easier to clean and maintain, making for a much more enjoyable experience that can ultimately save you money.

Does Dental Insurance Cover Dentures?

Keyboard with Dental Insurance in Federal Way

Most dental insurance plans do provide some level of coverage for dentures. Because they are considered a necessity, your insurance carrier will likely agree to pay about 50% of the total cost. Of course, your annual maximum will be considered. If you’ve already used some of your yearly maximum this year, it’s unlikely your insurance company will pay a full 50%. No matter how your insurer plans to handle your treatment costs, you can count on our team to help you navigate the process and get the most out of your benefits while saving the most money.

Other Options for Making Dentures Affordable

Dentist considering patient’s budget in Federal Way

To help make your dentures in Federal Way more affordable, Dr. Beaty and our team are pleased to provide two alternative ways to pay for treatment:

  • Flexible Financing Through CareCredit: If you are eligible, you can apply for low or zero interest payment plans.
  • Dental Savings Plan: Paying one low annual fee, you gain access to basic dental care and receive discounts on other available services without the unnecessary deductible, annual maximums, and waiting periods. This is a great option if you are uninsured.

Denture FAQ’s

Man in grey shirt smiling with dentures in Federal Way

Still have questions about dentures in Federal Way? Please don’t hesitate to contact our office if you have any specific concerns. However, we also know you may like to do your own research beforehand, which is why we’ve included the answers to some of the most frequently asked questions about dentures below. Read on to learn more!

What is Life with Dentures Like?

Once you get your dentures, there will be a slight adjustment period. You may find it difficult to speak and eat during the first few days, but you’ll quickly get better with a little practice. At first, try eating soft foods in pre-cut, easy to chew bites. If you have trouble saying any words specifically, read them out loud in front of a mirror. In no time at all, you’ll be confidently smiling, chewing, and talking!

Can I Sleep with My Dentures?

Before going to bed, it’s vital that you take your dentures out and soak them in soaking solution or water over night. This keeps them moist, which maintains their shape, and it shakes loose food debris and bacteria from a day of use. Additionally, removing your dentures gives your gum tissue a break – wearing them for too long can cause irritation and soreness. Just be sure to store your dentures in a safe place where they can’t be easily knocked over.

What Should I Do if My Dentures are Loose?

If your dentures are loose, don’t adjust them or try to make any changes on your own. If you try to take matters into your own hands, there is a good chance that you’ll damage your prosthesis. Slipping dentures can be managed with denture adhesive, but if your smile is ill-fitting, contact our office right away. One of our experts will carefully examine your smile before making any necessary adjustments for a comfortable and nicely fitting set of teeth.

When Do I Need to Replace My Dentures?

The lifetime of your dentures will depend on how well you care for them. As long as you follow the proper steps for maintenance above, you’ll be able to enjoy your smile for at least 5 to 7 years. After, you’ll need to come into our office for a replacement. Over time, dentures will begin to lose their shape, which is why it’s important that we provide you with an updated prosthesis. Once you receive your replacement, you’ll notice your increased speaking and chewing confidence.  

Can Dental Implants Help My Dentures?

If you’re tired of shifting dentures and applying adhesive, there is a much more stable and permanent option. By combining dental implants with dentures, we can give you a full smile replacement that looks, feels, and functions just like your original one. The key lies with dental implants – small titanium posts that are surgically placed in the jawbone to act as artificial tooth roots. Titanium is biocompatible, which means the implants will fuse to your jawbone for ultimate stability. We can use an average of 4 dental implants to support your denture.